by Paul Begue | Dec 29, 2015
Trailer mounted PBF 5s at Grand Isle LA Oyster Hatchery. This mobile system allows them to hook it up to any pond requiring filtration.
by Paul Begue | Dec 29, 2015
One DF-3 Polygeyser® filter used on a saltwater system for the grow out of marine fish for stock enhancement.
by Paul Begue | Dec 29, 2015
PBF-25 installed in a marine fish hatchery in Rompin, Malaysia.
by Paul Begue | Dec 29, 2015
Propeller Bead Filter 10S being used for a shrimp hatchery in Florida.
by Paul Begue | Dec 29, 2015
Propeller Bead Filter 10 used for fish hatchery in Calgary, Alberta.