Wastewater TSS Removal
AST filters are perfect for TSS removal applications. Our filters can be added to existing systems and are easily configured for your specific use case.
With over 20 years of experience, we’ve installed our specialized wastewater treatment systems in a wide variety of settings and applications. Groundwater remediation, industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, and more – no matter the application we can help you eliminate wastewater fines and surcharges.

Influent vs Effluent
Bead Filters vs. Traditional Options
TSS removal in a PolyGeyser is accomplished by the same mechanisms effective in other granular filters, such as the common sand filter. The fact that the media floats and the water flows upward does not significantly impact the removal process. Solids are removed by settling on the beads, physical straining in the gaps between beads, impacting bead surfaces as their specific gravities force them to deviate from water flow paths (interception), or striking bead surfaces by molecular level movements (adsorption or absorption) onto a biofilm surface. In most applications, settling and straining dominate the process effectively removing particles down into the 30-50 micron class. Below this size category interception and then adsorption (absorption) becomes dominant.
Managing Filter Performance
Management can have a significant impact on filter performance. The actual removal efficiency varies according to the size of the particles found in the water, the velocity of flow through the bed (flux in gpm/ft2 or feet/sec), and the depth of the bed. When standard spherical or EN media is used, single pass removal efficiencies are typically very high (95%+) for particles above 50 microns and 30 percent for the 5-10 micron size classification. Biofilm development in applications improves fine solids removal, as do flow reductions, and extension of backwash intervals. Smaller particles (<20 microns) generally do not adversely impact TSS levels since they do not contain much mass. They can adversely impact turbidity levels as they display extraordinarily high surface areas that deflect light. Applications that demand fine solids capture turbidity are usually attacked with recirculation (RCPG models) or by pretreatment with a coagulant.
Media Selection
Selection of media can also impact solids capture. Floating bead beds packed with standard media are slightly superior to EN media in their ability to capture fine solids. Thus, units designated to treat waters for solids only are often packed with standard media. However, the EN media has a higher porosity that lowers head loss and stores more solids between backwashes. EN media is the packing of choice for all clarifying filters operating with an airlift. The media is also often selected for clarifier applications where the solids loading is heavy and extending backwash frequencies permit better sludge consolidation in the internal sludge storage compartment.
Let's Discuss Your Project
From a simple filter to a complete custom system, our engineers can help you find the perfect filtration system for your needs. Get in touch today!