Case Study: Brewery Wastewater, Littleton, Colorado

The Problem:
The process of brewing beer results in a waste high in BOD/COD & TSS. Municipalities can become overwhelmed with the amount BOD/COD & TSS coming in, which results in a surcharge to breweries that discharge their waste above a set threshold.

The Solution:
AST designed a compact wastewater solution that combines aerobicbiological treatment with solids capturing to efficiently target the BOD/COD & TSS found in brewery waste,
and even reduces water loss up to 99% compared to similar technologies.

The Results:
After Implementing AST’s RCPG 10 Pilot recommendation, this brewery met the required discharge criteria for BOD/COD & TSS, reducing municipal surcharges.
System Benefits:
• High Efficiency
• Low O&M
• Automated Non Mechanical Backwash
• Simultaneous Mechanical and Biological Filtration
System Applications:
• Municipal and Industrial Wastewater
• High Strength Wastewater
• Pristine Polishing
If you have questions about AST’s filtration systems or would like to learn how we can help with your filtration needs, please call us for a FREE CONSULTATION – 1 (504) 837-5575